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Classicho Three Body Game

Classicho Three Body Game

Rp 1.550.000

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A classic magic prop featuring three colored balls within a wooden box has fascinated audiences for nearly six decades. The magician makes them vanish one at a time, only to have the three colored balls reappear inside the box. This well-known "4D Ball Trick" has seen improvements over time. While always leaving a lasting impression, we identified a unique aspect.

Upon careful examination, we realized that regardless of the version or materials used, the box can actually hold more than just three balls, even up to six. While not a major issue, it sparked an intriguing idea.

What if we could show from the beginning that there's only enough room in the box for three balls? And what if the audience could touch the box themselves? This would enhance the magic's mystery, making the effect more logical and astonishing.

With this idea, we redefined and redesigned the wooden box, making it smaller with a never-before-seen drawer design. We created a new internal structure, seamlessly blending magic and space. Crafted from exquisite black walnut, the box harbors a groundbreaking magical mechanism, making it portable and easily performed.

To make the magic effect more lifelike and divert the focus to the three balls, we redesigned the packaging and renamed the effect the "Three-Body Game." With popular elements, different magic structures, and innovative magic routines, we reintroduce this enchanting and captivating magical effect from a whole new perspective.



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Classicho Three Body Game
Classicho Three Body Game


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