Mentalist's Animal Photo
By TENYO Japan
Dengan membeli produk ini Anda bisa mengumpulkan poin sebanyak 3 loyalitas poin. Total keranjang belanja Anda 3 poin yang dapat dikonversi menjadi voucher diskon sebesar Rp 15.000.
By TENYO Japan
Dengan membeli produk ini Anda bisa mengumpulkan poin sebanyak 3 loyalitas poin. Total keranjang belanja Anda 3 poin yang dapat dikonversi menjadi voucher diskon sebesar Rp 15.000.
The mentalist hands the spectator a booklet, that has different pictures of animals on each page, and asks him to choose two pages at random. On the two adjacent pages the spectator will see three animals. The mentalist asks the spectator to place his hand on the pictures one at a time while trying to visualise the pictures in his mind and mentally transmitting them to him. The mentalist then writes three animals down: they will be the exact names of the animals thought of by the spectator!