Blue Crystal
By Tenyo
An incredible effect from Lubor Fiedler
Dengan membeli produk ini Anda bisa mengumpulkan poin sebanyak 4 loyalitas poin. Total keranjang belanja Anda 4 poin yang dapat dikonversi menjadi voucher diskon sebesar Rp 20.000.
By Tenyo
An incredible effect from Lubor Fiedler
Dengan membeli produk ini Anda bisa mengumpulkan poin sebanyak 4 loyalitas poin. Total keranjang belanja Anda 4 poin yang dapat dikonversi menjadi voucher diskon sebesar Rp 20.000.
Push a card so that it penetrates right through a transparent blue crystal. Cause a coin to sink down into the crystal, and then rise back to the surface. And then your spectator can immediately touch the surface of the crystal, but there are absolutely no holes or slots anywhere. This trick allows you to experience the astonishment yourself, when the crystal surface that you just touched allows coins and cards to sink inside. This amazing magic was created by Lubor Fiedler, the brilliant Austrian magician. The visual effect will cause you to question your own eyes.