David Regal's Color Changing Knives
By David Regal
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By David Regal
Dengan membeli produk ini Anda bisa mengumpulkan poin sebanyak 21 loyalitas poin. Total keranjang belanja Anda 21 poin yang dapat dikonversi menjadi voucher diskon sebesar Rp 105.000.
David Regal has done something we're VERY grateful for: he has taken the classic "Color-Changing Knives" and given it a radical update in props and in routine. In other words, if you want to do this great, classic effect, this is "the" version to get. Why? We'll give you three reasons:
They look like real knives...because they are. These are NOT doctored knives after-the-fact. They're designed for the paddle move from the ground up, with maximal "color" space to change. But, they look just life the knives some would carry in their pocket.
Not sharp. This sounds like a small point, but because these props could be handled by spectators, the knives aren't sharp, though they give the illusion that they are.
The best ending. This set comes with a final production knife that looks and feels exactly like a Swiss Army Knife. This way, the final change is one not just of color, but also of size and shape, into a knife brand everyone is familiar with.
These knives are a dream to perform with. The benefit is in the detail: for example, one side of each knife is smooth and the other is rough so you can identify the color in your pocket...by feel. They have a good weight, and the shape makes it easy to do the paddle move. They will last a lifetime, and the routine provided by David is surprising, visual, and logical. And in the end you produce a totally different kind of knife.